机械蒸汽压缩MVR或MVC(Mechanical Vapor Compression)蒸发器,其原理是利用蒸汽压缩机压缩蒸发产生的二次蒸汽,提高二次蒸汽热量和温度,压缩后的蒸汽打入蒸发器作为热源,再次使其原液产生蒸发,从而达到不需要外部鲜蒸汽,依靠蒸发器系统自循环来达到蒸发浓缩的目的。通过PLC控制系统、组态软件等工程软件来控制系统温度、压力、马达转速,保持蒸发器稳定、高效智能运行。
Mechanical vapor compression MVR or MVC(Mechanical Vapor Compression) evaporator, the principle is to use the secondary steam which is produced through compressing the steam by the steam compressor, secondary steam heat and temperature is increased by the compressor, steam compressed into the evaporator as the heat source, again makes the raw material liquid start evaporation, so there is no need to rely on external fresh steam, just need to rely on the evaporator system itself circulating to achieve the purpose of evaporation. Through the PLC control system, configuration software and engineering software to control the temperature, pressure, speed motor system, maintain stable, intelligent and efficient operation of the evaporator.
Performance Characteristics and Scope Of Application:
1. No waste heat steam emissions, energy-saving effect is very sigmificant, which is ecquivalent of 10 effect evaporator.
2. Using this technology can achieve to countercurrent washing of secondary steam, therefore the dry matter content in condensed water is far lower than the number of evaporator.
3. Using low temperature negative pressure evaporation(50-90℃), help to prevent the degeneration resulted from high temperature evaporation.
4. MVR evaporator is a substitute of traditional multi-effect falling-
film evaporator, is based on single effect evaporator through the reuse of the secondary steam countercurrent washing and recompression. All material that applicable for single effect and multi-effect evaporator, are suitable for use in the MVR evaporator, technically have the substitutability. It has perfect characteristics of environmental protection and energy saving. Because of its significant energy-saving effect, MVR evaporator technology started rapid development in foreign countries at the beginning of 70's, now is widely used, which is used in industrial wastewater treatment and dairy, sugar, starch, alumina, papermaking, caprolactam, seawater desalination, coking plant(recovery of sulfur dioxide production sulfur ammonia), salt chemical industry, and other many production areas.